Has science proven that God does exist and created the universe and everything? This video clip says yes there is strong scientific evidence of God.
Evidence of God
This YouTube video clip posted by Scripture and Science has some sound scientific background backing up it’s claim that there is strong evidence for God. It seems that today many scientists are struck by the parallel of a one time creation event from nothing with the Biblical event in Genesis 1:1. Agnostic scientist Robert Jastrow admits ‘Now we see how the astronomical evidence leads to a biblical view of the origins of the world’. Add to that the latest discoveries in DNA science and there is a compelling argument for a creator. Check out the video for the full story. Enjoy.
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OK Crypto fans. How far do you want to blow your mind? Do you believe in Darwinism or Creationism?
This one deals with our actual existence as a menagerie of animals occupying a planet. In a galaxy. In a universe. In space somewhere.
Does all life come from goo? Spontaneously coming into existence? Or God – some kind of amazing alien creator who designed the whole box and dice.
If you do or don’t believe in Darwinism and evolution, then you should watch this clip. It’s from a documentary called Unlocking the Mystery of Life (Illustra Media) and looks at the basics science of molecular biology and the validity of Darwinism in the 21st century.
Sounds a bit too deep? Don’t you believe it. If I get it, then you will get it. It’ll stimulate you intellect and excite your soul.
It won’t change your mind but it will make you think. Trigger that basic question in your head. Why?
Basically this video is looking at the very basics of what life is. The chemistry. The mechanics. The mathematics but in a very simply and exciting way. Looking how bio-chemistry works with Darwinism.
No really, I mean exciting. Get you’re mind around what they are saying. Whether their take on it is right or wrong. It’s certainly arguable in my book.
“The science is solid and the computer animations are superb. This is a great film.”
—Philip S. Skell, Ph.D. Member, National Academy of Sciences
This next clip is much simpler but you really need to have watched the other clip (above) to give you full understanding of their argument.
You could watch this clip first but it will leave you with questions the other clip will have answered.
Nevertheless enjoy this brain food and please leave a comment.
OK Crypto fans. How far do you want to blow your mind?
This one deals with our actual existence as a menagerie of animals occupying a planet. In a galaxy. In a universe. In space somewhere.
Does all life come from goo? Spontaneously coming into existence? Or God – some kind of amazing alien creator who designed the whole box and dice.
If you don’t believe in Darwinism and evolution, then you should watch this clip. It’s from a documentary called Unlocking the Mystery of Life (Illustra Media) and looks at the basics science of molecular biology and the validity of Darwinism in the 21st century.
Sounds a bit too deep? Don’t you believe it. If I get it, then you will get it. It’ll stimulate you intellect and excite your soul.
It won’t change your mind but it will make you think. Trigger that basic question in your head. Why?
Basically this video is looking at the very basics of what life is. The chemistry. The mechanics. The mathematics but in a very simply and exciting way. Looking how bio-chemistry works with Darwinism.
No really, I mean exciting. Get you’re mind around what they are saying. Whether their take on it is right or wrong. It’s certainly arguable in my book.
“The science is solid and the computer animations are superb. This is a great film.”
—Philip S. Skell, Ph.D. Member, National Academy of Sciences
This next clip is much simpler but you really need to have watched the other clip (above) to give you full understanding of their argument.
You could watch this clip first but it will leave you with questions the other clip will have answered.
Nevertheless enjoy this brain food and please leave a comment.